Feb 13, 2013

More good advice and OPEN CALL

Thanks  I am now back home with wife D. which is great.   Praying for you again.    The main thing is never first what we are doing but first who we are and our life in Christ……have you read some of my books.? In his grip, george

and my reply:
Yes, I did, but many years ago. Which title again would you recommend? Then I might re-read or read it, the one that you think will help me with this specific dream.

I think I will read these books and meanwhile keep looking for my team:

I would love you to read my books….can I send them in spanish or English or both….you can always give  them away if extra   my latest is Drops  or Gotaas…I think you would find it helpful.  Put clear address in an e mail back to me.  His grip george

And so I did. Meanwhile I have an OPEN CALL to my friends but also people I have never met before:


you are believer (as in you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior in your life)
you LOVE other cultures, love to travel, love to be in the outdoors, love the ocean
you are adventurous, 
but also enjoy working in one place, working hard but because you love it so much it doesn't matter
love to be in a warm country and like people and their mentality from warm countries in general


you happen to be a captain
you happen to be a miljonair or know people who are so rich they would love to do something nice with their money
you happen to have contacts in the maritim world
you are in the boat vessel business or in some business connected with ships
or you know someone who is


You are good in organizing, you are an effective progressive type
You are  artsy carpenter
You are architect
You are a chief engineer
You are into (green) durability 
You are visionary
You are great in connecting people, but also mobilizing people
You are dreamy
You have a great sense of humor


God has placed a similar look-alike dream in your heart or you could see yourself in some place in this either 
BASIS of the Art ship: the art platform based in Curaçao
or you could see yourself serving on this art ship

Hmmm, maybe you should write me more about your ideas! Maybe you would like to be part of my prayer team?
Let's start communicating
This is me:

I enjoy ice cream from time to time. How about you? Tell me more about you and your dream :) Who knows who knows.

Good advices

Dear Avantia   
 I read this and prayed for you.  I would suggest you get at least 10 people  sold out to your dream and vision who are ready to suffer and have their hearts broken many times to go forward to make it happen.   Esp get a captain and chief engineer.  I had both and many more people before I took the big step  plus 14 years of solid foundation…prayer partners ...   donors….and about 100 people long term that were committed and loyal including top accountants…
Keep in mind as I learned the hard way that you will need huge amounts of money…and that ships are basically to some degree major floating problems.  Be read to eat them for breakfast.    So God bless you.      It's best to be in touch with our ship director Peter Nicoll…..praying for  you.    One idea is to do it on land in  a rented place to prove the vision and grow it.    This is what we did and it was a great help
his grip,

My response:

Dear George,

Thank you so much for your response. It is very helpful advice. I will continue to pray and search for a team. I think it is a good idea to start first on land. 
Thank you also for already being in my praying team :). If you meet people that you think: hey, this person has a similar dream as Avantia has, you can give them my email address.

Many blessings and greetings for sunny Curaçao!


Feb 12, 2013

The Art Ship

The art ship
The main focus of the Logos Hope ship is to spread bibles in countries where it's hard for people to get their hands on the good book.  This is a cool starting point. 
The main focus for the Art Ship is to spread the message of the gospel thru art all over the globe. This ship has christian artist on it who love to travel and make cool art at the same time. Not only do they get to make art, they also give workshops to share their expertise with other artists, christian or not. They will exhibit in the harbours where the ship is docked and do projects and intercambios with local church communities. There might be a possibility for hotel guests on the ship too, as the ship needs also to generate income.

I am looking for the right connections to start this big dream. I shared it with George Verwer, founder of the Logos ships. This was my letter to him:

Dear George Verwer,

My name is Avantia Damberg. I'm a Caribbean Christian contemporary artist living in Curaçao. I was very inspired and confirmed by a talk you once gave on the Logos Hope ship, when I was working there. It was in 2009 in Guyana. In 1996 I for the first time got introduced to the Logos ships because the Logos II was in Curaçao and I volunteered there. It's then when the seed for reaching out to many nations by ship was planted.

In your talk you mentioned how we could dear to dream really big. Because we have a big God and he has big dreams. He is the one that makes them happen anyways. I have lived in the Netherlands for 15 years where I did 2 studies and worked a bit and when I look back I can see God embroidering my life and it only gets more interesting!

My big dreams are to one day have an art ship with an art ministry: that goes around the world giving art therapy and gives workshops to christian artist worldwide. Not only that: it does art projects in slums and creates new places, we show exhibitions that teach about the Bible to either churches or in galleries, and (christian) artist can apply to join the ship for a short term to join us in these activities and built up their own portfolio and see the world. The tool to reach people for the gospel, is in this case art, to spread the gospel is the main focus.

I myself am an artist that loves to travel and make art while I travel. Most of my ideas I get while I travel too. For example: my work 'Meetingpoint' is being shown in Berlin, Germany and in Oostende, Belgium, and this work is inspired from a Bahamas pastor on the Logos Hope ship that was teaching about the Tabernacle. Making work about God's Word feels very long-term as God's Word itself, when spread, never is in vain.

God has interesting ways of confirming my or rather His dreams. I was already dreaming this, before I got on the ship. Before I went on the Logos Hope, I was working at an audiovisual department of the Dutch Navy. My Dutch boss, who I was working for and told my reason to quit said: ''So you are going to preach the gospel on this ship with books, but you should really have your own art boat and travel the world with your artist friends.''
My mouth dropped to hear my non-believing boss just tell me what my own dream was. I even haven't developed it like that yet in my mind, and there he was saying it!  Like this in continued each time traveling and art was involved: the confirmations continued each time.

Now I am writing you to see if you have any connections where I could find a ship (not as big as the Logo's Hope, but maybe more in the category of the former Doulos). Even if Operation Mobilization is interested to do a ministry like this, since OM already has all the experience and connections
I am praying to see who to share my dream with and who can be part of it. I certainly don't want to do this on my own strength. Only on God's strength and with others to join me. 
see a building on the top, at the right above?

There is also a building in Curacao at the coast of the sea, where large ships temporary park. This building used to be a quarantine hospital a very long time ago. It's a colonial building that has been empty since the 60's. Because of the stigma it has with sickness and death, it never got fixed. With the Logos Hope we parked there as well in 2009 and I walked up to that building. I prayed there for the dreams I have and I had a very exciting and peacefully feeling as if I already got the building! The building is public property. It belongs to everybody. I would love to continue to have it open for the people of this island. The government won't mind if I buy it for 1 symbolic dollar, hence it totally gets restored to it's original state. Which is very pricy of course. 
I envision this building to be the main office of the art ship, I also envision it as a cultural platform for artist-in-residencies, a gallery, an art library and an art cinema. Below I would love it to have a wood and metal workstation.  There is an organic restaurant-café and gallery-shop to generate income and some rooms are rented out for tourists. Everything is ecological and mostly self-made. 

So In this picture, you see a building on top. This is the colonial quarantine hospital with a long history of sickness and death, but also restoration. I would love to see it as a place for restoration again, but with the focus on our relationship with God.

quarantine |ˈkwôrənˌtēn|
nouna state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed : many animals die in quarantine.verb [ trans. ]impose such isolation on (a person, animal, or place); put in quarantine.ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Italian quarantina ‘forty days,’ from quaranta ‘forty.’So, I would love to have this building as a place of isolation in which people that have arrived from elsewhere and have been exposed to a hectic, chasing-of-the-wind life to find rest and peace with God here. Artist who stay here, can stay for 40 days and the themes that they need to approach in their art is always healing, restoration, reconciliation etc.I actually get lot's of ideas for this building, but my calling is to be an artist and so I have this approach. I also want to learn more about the healing ministry, since this is also a desire of my heart. It could be that this building could become a wellness center where massages are given, spa's etc. but also christian counceling.
Finally, I have a blog where i sometimes jot down parts of my dream and I also have my professional website.
Please have a look! and I hope to hear from you in the near future.Lot's of blessings,
Avantia Damberg

In the next blog... the response

The Art Platform dream continues

When I was in the Netherlands I was dreaming to live back in Curaçao for certainly 2 years long, e-v-e-r-y day.
As I was daydreaming, I often saw myself in the old quarantine hospital ruin. I was painting there, using it as my squatted working studio. 
Now I finally live back on the island. I don't have a car yet, so I can't go up there as much as I like, also I already have a studio for 3 months.
But yesterday I just went by foot, my dad's dog joined me. I wanted to go to the quarantine hospital merely to pray. I got happier getting closer and when I was there I was praying all around and in the building. Praying to search if my dream is God's will indeed. But I could conclude that there is no reason why it would not be his will: I just wish for a place where people can get 
- refreshed 
- restored  
- strengthened
- recharged
all by art and film, by christian artists, by the gospel in the shape of art.  That's right: the focus when in it comes down to the purpose of this building is that people can come here to get recharged thru art and get in contact with the gospel, the Word of God and the Truth which will set them free and delivered.

 praying on each side of the building

the building from down the beach

This building was always a place where sick or tired people went to get restoration. This can still be the purpose of this building.
But now the building itself is in need of restoration. It's just a useless old building at this point. It has nothing going on. It's just there.
 bible verses somebody grafittied. 

John 8:32

New International Version (NIV)
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Who are the people that could use this art platform?
The people of the island of Curacao (for workshops, for a movie, for an art exhibition)
Artists worldwide that come to do an artist-in-residence
Local artists
A church community
Sailors and workman on the large sea tanks, and drill islands that park there for a while.
Animals, also for healing

How can the art platform generate income for itself?
- by partly rented hotel rooms
- by the cinema
- by the restaurant-terrace in the back
- by the art shop
- by the given workshops
- by the sales of serummats for green roofs
- by it's own bakery
- by friends of the foundation (donations)
- by an animal shelter and medical care
- by a spa and massage place

How can the building reduce it's costs?
- it's own organic garden and herbal for the restaurant, guests and the spa
- it's own turkey and chicken, and local fish for consumption
- buying most locally
- solar panels for energy
- wind mill for energy
- water well (if possible)
- volunteers
view from the right stairs of the building, a large drill island on the left .

The bible verses on the walls, quite a heavy selection! Reeks a bit of a legalistic preaching person

Hebrews 10:26-32

New International Version (NIV)
26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”[b]31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

2 Timothy 4:2

New International Version (NIV)
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.

John 8:44

New International Version (NIV)
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

The next post will be about the Art Ship and later on the reaction of the founder of the Logos ships.