Feb 19, 2014

according to His

My prayer today is that all my dreams and desires are according to God's will.
I have lists of my own of course. Like some things I would love in a husband, or how many kids I would like or to start this art ship dream and this retreat building for missionaries. And I would like to have a way to just travel the globe making art. But sometimes I kill the dreams to be able to know what God wants first, kinda to clean up, and also so I can hear better and obey.
So the dream ship according to His will.
The husband according to His will.
The quarantaine hospital building if it is in His will.
The traveling by profession art ministry according to His will.

The ball is on His side.
I say this but on the other hand,  I must listen and act :) Maybe the ball is on my side?
Is there any disobedience or sin clogging the path God directs?
Am I perhaps lingering, i don't know really what to do, so perhaps I don't listen carefully or I just don't listen or just God's timing is not now, I do experience God's love every day. While the thinking big and dreaming big already took place and now we trust the big God to give specific instructions, yes, I do need specific instructions.

I will continue to promote a new small group I start with 2 other people called I am Second group. I had no time, but today I will pick it up again, so we can have people joining this group.

This is what an I am Second group is about